Narrative Linoleum Block & Concertina Project
For this project you will be creating a linocut/s, based on your own ideas. It can be a series of 4 or more individual images or one long extended image.
Project parameters:
- Open theme
- Image size: minimum of 2"x 3" (either 4 or more individual images or one longer extended image).
- One will be turned into a Hardcover Concertina.
- Due: Monday, Nov 15 for Critique
Grading Criteria
The main print projects are worth 100 points, (unless otherwise stated) broken down in the following manner:
The main print projects are worth 100 points, (unless otherwise stated) broken down in the following manner:
- Met parameters of project, correct size, edition, process, runs- 10 points
- Print Quality: Well printed, consistent, even and clean borders, signed correctly-10 points
- Met all preliminary and final deadlines-5 points
- Typed concept statement properly labeled with name/project. If emailed: received prior to critique and properly labeled pdf- 5 points
- Image & Concept- 70 points