Open Theme/Functional Structure
For this project I want you to explore you own ideas and concepts through the utilization of the book format.
Project Parameters:
Project Parameters:
- Written proposal and 2 sketches of proposed work. (5 points) (See Moodle for deadlines)
- The book must be functional, meaning you can turn pages, (This is Not another altered book, or a purely sculptural or installation or performative book). If you are unsure, it will meet the parameters, make sure you talk to me before you begin your project.
- Minimum of 3 spreads. (6 pages not including front & back covers).
- Include short written paragraph statement about your work for critique. (5 points)
- You will be graded on concept, meeting deadlines and parameters and craft.
For this project you will be doing some form of binding. You can make use of any of the bindings shown so far in class or some combination of them.
You can re-bind some altered pages, but they must be removed from original book and put into a new binding and new context/meaning.