ARTZ 494: Professional Practices / Tentative WEEKLY SCHEDULE Fall 2024
T/TH 11:00-12:20
WK 1/
Aug 27- PPT: Introduction to the course, BFA spaces/mentorships. Fill out questionnaire and turn in.
Assignment: Bring in a copy of your resume or CV for next period and hand in.
Aug 29- Resume vs CV & Biographical Statements. (300 words). Assignment: Revise/create a CV and write a 300 word biographical statement, due on Sept 3 and bring in 4 copies.
WK 2/
Sept 3- DUE: CV & Biographical statement. (Bring in 4 copies of each)
Photographing Artwork (PPT) start gathering images for artist talk. Assignment: Shoot work and email me 2 images on Oct 8 by Noon.
Bring in 1 piece or print out of one piece to discuss next class.
Sept 5- Artist Statements, meet in groups. Assignment: Write an Artist statement; Elevator pitch; 3 columns on your work: Due next Tuesday.
WK 3/
Sept 10- Studios & Budgets. Meet in groups to brainstorm. Assignment: Do a drawing of your ideal space or what you think you can get by with. Also put together a budget/materials/equipment and suppliers list. Due: Sept 17. (DUE: Artist statement, elevator pitch and 3 columns)
Sept 12-Brief review of CV’s, artist statements. Assignment: Second Drafts of both due: Oct 17. Start looking at artists websites you like and bring in a link on Sept 17 Start Discussion on Graduate Schools.
WK 4/
Sept 17- Websites & Social Media. Review other artists websites.
Assignment: Update current website or start one. Due: Oct 29 (Minimum of 10 pieces/Bio & artist statement)
Budgets and Floorplans due. Meet in groups to discuss and turn in.
Sept 19- Graduate School discussion: Guests Lane Chapman & Lily Kip.
WK 5/
Sept 24- PPT: Getting Yourself Out there: Part 1: Applying to Exhibitions.
Assignment: Apply to annual Juried Student Show & Apply to one out of state juried exhibition. Due: Prior to Dec 5th.. Keeping it all organized. Assignment: Develop an inventory list, minimum of 10 pieces. Due: Oct 15.
Sept 26- Visiting Artist / Mary Farrell will meet with us in 302.
WK 6/
Oct 1- TBA
Oct 3- TBA
WK 7/
Oct 8- PPT: Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Giving an Artist Talk / Assignment: Artist Lecture & Poster final project. DUE: Starting Wk 13/14/15) Sign up sheet for times. DUE: 2 emailed jpegs of your work due by noon.
Oct 10- Discuss BFA exhibition in Knowles Gallery. Come up with Title and volunteers for Poster design ideas for Oct 17. Presentation and Installation ppt.
WK 8/
Oct 15- PPT: Getting Yourslf Out there: Part 2: Approaching Galleries/Museums. Assignment: Research a gallery outside of Montana- Write a Press release: Due Nov 7 & Submit gallery printout. Due: Inventory List.
Oct 17- Individual Meetings with Jim to discuss edits/artist talks etc. DUE: 2nd draft of CV. Discuss and vote on Poster design for BFA exhibition.
WK 9/
Oct 22- PPT: Artist Residencies. Assignment: Research an artist residency. (put together a packet)-print out of residency & guidelines. Due: Dec 5 or before. Develop an Invoice Form (Due Oct 29th)
Oct 24- I will do a demo on matting for those who are interested. We will meet in FA 408. Otherwise use this time to finish your website due next week. Framing, Matting & Presentation (Cutting a Matt, assembling a frame, tools) . DUE: Invoice Sheet (you can just email it to me)
Next week we review your website. IT MUST BE LIVE. Send me a link no later than Monday, 4 pm to your website.
WK 10/
Oct 29- Websites due / Review in class (Your website must be live- Not just in development stage) & Invoice forms due.
Oct 31- Visiting Artist Stella Nall (Making it as an artist-Residencies/murals/swag) Send me artwork description of your piece for exhibition.
Your name, title, media and date of the work.
WK 11/
Nov 5- Hang BFA exhibition in Knowles Gallery. (Nov 5-Nov 14)
Nov 7- Continue review of Websites: Packing, Crating & Shipping, Posters for Artist Talk Due, Press release due & Time to meet about final presentations with Jim (optional)
WK 12/
Nov 12- Shelby Visit & Discuss BFA exhibition next semester in GVA or UC Gallery or ZACC as possible venues.
Nov 14- De-install BFA exhibition
WK 13/
Nov 19- Artist Talks (4) In the following order: Mattie, Susie, Kendall, Rob
Nov 21- Artist Talks (4) In the following order: Lynzie, Eporu, Josie, Lily
WK 14/
Nov 26- Artist Talks (3) In the following order: Claire, Benton, Michael
Nov 28- Thanksgiving Holiday-No Classes
WK 15/
Dec 3- Artist Talks (2) In the following order: Salome, Fletcher
Dec 5- Artist Talks (2) In the following order: Kenzie, Chenoa, Cat
Last day to turn in Juried Exhibition confirmations, artist residency packets and to hand in late/re-worked projects.
WK 16/
Dec 9-13
Finals Week
Aug 27- PPT: Introduction to the course, BFA spaces/mentorships. Fill out questionnaire and turn in.
Assignment: Bring in a copy of your resume or CV for next period and hand in.
Aug 29- Resume vs CV & Biographical Statements. (300 words). Assignment: Revise/create a CV and write a 300 word biographical statement, due on Sept 3 and bring in 4 copies.
WK 2/
Sept 3- DUE: CV & Biographical statement. (Bring in 4 copies of each)
Photographing Artwork (PPT) start gathering images for artist talk. Assignment: Shoot work and email me 2 images on Oct 8 by Noon.
Bring in 1 piece or print out of one piece to discuss next class.
Sept 5- Artist Statements, meet in groups. Assignment: Write an Artist statement; Elevator pitch; 3 columns on your work: Due next Tuesday.
WK 3/
Sept 10- Studios & Budgets. Meet in groups to brainstorm. Assignment: Do a drawing of your ideal space or what you think you can get by with. Also put together a budget/materials/equipment and suppliers list. Due: Sept 17. (DUE: Artist statement, elevator pitch and 3 columns)
Sept 12-Brief review of CV’s, artist statements. Assignment: Second Drafts of both due: Oct 17. Start looking at artists websites you like and bring in a link on Sept 17 Start Discussion on Graduate Schools.
WK 4/
Sept 17- Websites & Social Media. Review other artists websites.
Assignment: Update current website or start one. Due: Oct 29 (Minimum of 10 pieces/Bio & artist statement)
Budgets and Floorplans due. Meet in groups to discuss and turn in.
Sept 19- Graduate School discussion: Guests Lane Chapman & Lily Kip.
WK 5/
Sept 24- PPT: Getting Yourself Out there: Part 1: Applying to Exhibitions.
Assignment: Apply to annual Juried Student Show & Apply to one out of state juried exhibition. Due: Prior to Dec 5th.. Keeping it all organized. Assignment: Develop an inventory list, minimum of 10 pieces. Due: Oct 15.
Sept 26- Visiting Artist / Mary Farrell will meet with us in 302.
WK 6/
Oct 1- TBA
Oct 3- TBA
WK 7/
Oct 8- PPT: Good, The Bad and the Ugly. Giving an Artist Talk / Assignment: Artist Lecture & Poster final project. DUE: Starting Wk 13/14/15) Sign up sheet for times. DUE: 2 emailed jpegs of your work due by noon.
Oct 10- Discuss BFA exhibition in Knowles Gallery. Come up with Title and volunteers for Poster design ideas for Oct 17. Presentation and Installation ppt.
WK 8/
Oct 15- PPT: Getting Yourslf Out there: Part 2: Approaching Galleries/Museums. Assignment: Research a gallery outside of Montana- Write a Press release: Due Nov 7 & Submit gallery printout. Due: Inventory List.
Oct 17- Individual Meetings with Jim to discuss edits/artist talks etc. DUE: 2nd draft of CV. Discuss and vote on Poster design for BFA exhibition.
WK 9/
Oct 22- PPT: Artist Residencies. Assignment: Research an artist residency. (put together a packet)-print out of residency & guidelines. Due: Dec 5 or before. Develop an Invoice Form (Due Oct 29th)
Oct 24- I will do a demo on matting for those who are interested. We will meet in FA 408. Otherwise use this time to finish your website due next week. Framing, Matting & Presentation (Cutting a Matt, assembling a frame, tools) . DUE: Invoice Sheet (you can just email it to me)
Next week we review your website. IT MUST BE LIVE. Send me a link no later than Monday, 4 pm to your website.
WK 10/
Oct 29- Websites due / Review in class (Your website must be live- Not just in development stage) & Invoice forms due.
Oct 31- Visiting Artist Stella Nall (Making it as an artist-Residencies/murals/swag) Send me artwork description of your piece for exhibition.
Your name, title, media and date of the work.
WK 11/
Nov 5- Hang BFA exhibition in Knowles Gallery. (Nov 5-Nov 14)
Nov 7- Continue review of Websites: Packing, Crating & Shipping, Posters for Artist Talk Due, Press release due & Time to meet about final presentations with Jim (optional)
WK 12/
Nov 12- Shelby Visit & Discuss BFA exhibition next semester in GVA or UC Gallery or ZACC as possible venues.
Nov 14- De-install BFA exhibition
WK 13/
Nov 19- Artist Talks (4) In the following order: Mattie, Susie, Kendall, Rob
Nov 21- Artist Talks (4) In the following order: Lynzie, Eporu, Josie, Lily
WK 14/
Nov 26- Artist Talks (3) In the following order: Claire, Benton, Michael
Nov 28- Thanksgiving Holiday-No Classes
WK 15/
Dec 3- Artist Talks (2) In the following order: Salome, Fletcher
Dec 5- Artist Talks (2) In the following order: Kenzie, Chenoa, Cat
Last day to turn in Juried Exhibition confirmations, artist residency packets and to hand in late/re-worked projects.
WK 16/
Dec 9-13
Finals Week