Its a direction, it's a region. (Western US) Old west, New west, Go west. What does it mean to you? Indigenous Lands, Mythology, movies, the place you live, Cowboys/Cattle, romanticized, brutal, scenic, barren, Wild West/American Frontier and Manifest Destiny. Sun sets in the west. The phrase "the West" is often spoken in reference to the the Western World, which includes the European Union (also the EFTA countries), the Americas, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and (in part) South Africa. The concept of the Western part of the earth has its roots in the Western Roman Empire and the Western Christianity. During the Cold War" the West" was often used to refer to the NATO camp as opposed to the Warsaw Pact and non-aligned nations. The expression survives, with an increasingly ambiguous meaning. Weather: Due to the direction of the Earth's rotation, the prevailing wind in many places in the middle latitudes (i.e. between 35 and 65 degrees latitude) is from the west, known as the westerlies.
The Project:
This project is to get you thinking about additional ways/techniques to develop & print your images. It is also designed to get you thinking about the various possibilities and effects of overprinting, transparency and composing on the fly. This is an in-class one day printing event. You will prepare you screen and color prior to the selected day. We will then do all the printing during one class period.
Step 1:
Each of you will be assigned some aspect of the print to develop. (Background, text, image) based on the selected theme.
Each of you will then develop your section and shoot it onto your screen PRIOR to class. (All screens must be ready to go at the beginning of class!!!)
Each student will also get assigned a color. (for example: Transparent Blue, or opaque purple)- Mix this up prior to class.
Step 3:
On the selected day, each of you will bring your pre-shot screen to class along with your pre-assigned mixed color.
You each will create a minimum of 3 prints, (22"x30") while combining multiple elements from your peers. (Each print will be different)
(You can also think about dyeing some of your paper in advance to add that little special something).
We will select 6-8 screens to begin with. Working in pairs you will help each other print. You will move around the room printing from the various designs taking into account the various considerations that are listed below.
After everyone has printed the first round of screens, we will select a second round to work with, followed by a third round if needed.
Some of the screens will be locked in printing bases, others you will have to lay down on the floor or table and screen print ala Andy Warhol style. (have a friend help hold the screen if needed).
Considerations while printing:
This is a ONE-DAY EVENT, there will be no chance to make up this project.
Its a direction, it's a region. (Western US) Old west, New west, Go west. What does it mean to you? Indigenous Lands, Mythology, movies, the place you live, Cowboys/Cattle, romanticized, brutal, scenic, barren, Wild West/American Frontier and Manifest Destiny. Sun sets in the west. The phrase "the West" is often spoken in reference to the the Western World, which includes the European Union (also the EFTA countries), the Americas, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and (in part) South Africa. The concept of the Western part of the earth has its roots in the Western Roman Empire and the Western Christianity. During the Cold War" the West" was often used to refer to the NATO camp as opposed to the Warsaw Pact and non-aligned nations. The expression survives, with an increasingly ambiguous meaning. Weather: Due to the direction of the Earth's rotation, the prevailing wind in many places in the middle latitudes (i.e. between 35 and 65 degrees latitude) is from the west, known as the westerlies.
The Project:
This project is to get you thinking about additional ways/techniques to develop & print your images. It is also designed to get you thinking about the various possibilities and effects of overprinting, transparency and composing on the fly. This is an in-class one day printing event. You will prepare you screen and color prior to the selected day. We will then do all the printing during one class period.
Step 1:
Each of you will be assigned some aspect of the print to develop. (Background, text, image) based on the selected theme.
Each of you will then develop your section and shoot it onto your screen PRIOR to class. (All screens must be ready to go at the beginning of class!!!)
- Background: Could be drawing, landscape element, pattern or a texture (photogram of lace, string leaves); rubbing, digital texture, drawing etc.
- Image: Hand drawn or digital based on theme. (make it a single free floating image- no square/rectangular borders-you are not developing an entire composition).
- Text: Single word, or a couple of letters, not a whole sentence. Think font, scale (hand drawn vs digital).
Each student will also get assigned a color. (for example: Transparent Blue, or opaque purple)- Mix this up prior to class.
Step 3:
On the selected day, each of you will bring your pre-shot screen to class along with your pre-assigned mixed color.
You each will create a minimum of 3 prints, (22"x30") while combining multiple elements from your peers. (Each print will be different)
(You can also think about dyeing some of your paper in advance to add that little special something).
We will select 6-8 screens to begin with. Working in pairs you will help each other print. You will move around the room printing from the various designs taking into account the various considerations that are listed below.
After everyone has printed the first round of screens, we will select a second round to work with, followed by a third round if needed.
Some of the screens will be locked in printing bases, others you will have to lay down on the floor or table and screen print ala Andy Warhol style. (have a friend help hold the screen if needed).
Considerations while printing:
- Try different combinations of elements,
- Vary the order you print a particular element. (Sometimes you might print it first, and then on another print have it be a later element. You may print it once early on and then again later after other elements have been added.
- Play around with what aspects you want to be dominant or have subordinate in your compositions.
- You can repeat an image/element several times on the same print.
- You can print just parts of the particular image, have it bleed off the edge of the paper.
- Change the orientation of the element. (sideways or upside down)
- You must include a minimum of 10 different screens on each print.
- You will also print a few elements onto KOZO paper or some other thin paper to be used for collage elements.
This is a ONE-DAY EVENT, there will be no chance to make up this project.