Fall 2024
PROFESSOR: James Bailey
CONTACT: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-1:00 pm on Mondays or by appointment. FA 402 (enter through the print studio).
MOODLE: A Link to Printana Remote will be provided to you on Canvas. Put this link on your home screen. All class info will be on that site.
2D TECH: Jason Clark / Cell (406) 207-7482 (M-F 9:00-Noon ONLY) E: [email protected]
STUDENT TECHS: Kendall Quindry, Aydrien Harden & Chenoa Reid
Introduction to various print processes focused on the individual development of your artistic work. Conceptual, technical, and aesthetic concerns will be emphasized. Students will create and analyze prints through hands-on studio work and projects, group critiques, writing artist statements, and examining prints from a variety of cultural, conceptual, and historical standpoints. As the semester progresses, students will gain an awareness of the creative and expressive possibilities of relief and be expected to develop an increasingly complex body of work through their personal vocabulary with the media.
• Create works that are well-crafted and conceptually rigorous, that are experimental and imaginative
• Translate ideas into compelling prints using a wide range of materials, methods, and processes
• Develop the vocabulary and tools to discuss and think critically about print media
• Analyze the work of your peers and other artists through class discussions and critiques
• Gain perspective of the contemporary practices and trajectory of printmaking and print artists today
This is a hands-on studio course. Class time will be used for demonstrations, looking at prints, individual work time on printmaking projects, individual mentoring and consultations, critiques of work, and discussions of readings. In addition to regularly scheduled meeting times, expect five hours of work outside of scheduled class per week for completion of projects and assignments.
If you need to contact me email me at [email protected]. I will only be contacting you through your official university email.
Attendance at all classes is mandatory and will be taken daily, to also help with contact tracing. Attendance is worth 140 points total (5 points per day) After three absences, you will lose 5 points per absence. Come to class ready to work, students are not to leave class to purchase supplies. Demonstrations missed will not be repeated for the absent student. If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to get any missed information from another student, and you will be required to meet any deadlines set. Showing up late or leaving early from class will also affect your grade in a negative manner.
Grades will be determined through artist presentations, attendance, art event attendance/write-ups, participation in critiques and readings, print projects and the work turned in for your final portfolio. It is always appropriate to approach me with questions or concerns about your grade or progress in class. We will have one-on-one meetings at mid-term, however it is your responsibility beyond that to pursue clarity about your grade. The following factors will be considered in the grading process:
You will need to purchase materials throughout the semester. Buying materials through the print studio is purely optional and is intended for your convenience & cost saving. Items sold through the print studio include shipping & account fee's. These items may be purchased during class, so you will need to plan ahead! Not being able to get ahold of me to purchase supplies is NOT a reason to not have work done on time.
The course grade awarded at the end of the term will reflect the student’s overall attendance and performance both in and out of class. It is your responsibility to consult with the instructor throughout the term to ensure that your progress is satisfactory. It is the student's responsibility to complete the course work within the semester the class is offered. Not finishing the required work within the allotted time frame does not entitle a student to an incomplete. Incompletes will only be given in cases of extreme emergency.
A = Excellence in all assignments, highly motivated, extremely innovative solutions to projects, work handed in on time.
B = Above average in all work, demonstrated technical growth and visual maturity
C = Completion of all projects, satisfactory class participation
D = Below average quality in work and/or Incompletes on some projects, inadequate class participation
F = Poor quality of work and/or Incompletes on many projects, poor class participation, several absences.
Incompletes / UM Policy /. (LINK)
It is assumed that students have the responsibility for completing the requirements of the courses in which they are enrolled within the time framework of the semester. A mark of incomplete may be assigned when: They have been in attendance and doing passing work up to three weeks before the end of the semester, and For reasons beyond their control and which are acceptable to the instructor, they have been unable to complete the requirements of the course on time. Negligence and indifference are not acceptable reasons.
Use of mobile devices for specific course objectives only. Human connection is the heart of a modern liberal arts education. We can’t learn without you. Arrive prepared and ready to think out loud and share confusions. Class meetings involve discussions in a variety of formats, some experimental and perhaps unfamiliar. These varied structures enable different forms of thinking and analysis; they also accommodate diverse personalities and learning styles. In all settings, collaborate thoughtfully and respectfully with your peers. When you disagree with or don’t understand something you hear, ask questions. Your peers’ questions are as important as mine, so listen carefully. The use of laptops, phones, or e-tablets in class is not permitted, except when they are integral to projects or to specific assignments. You may use laptops or tablets in this class to consult online readings or to take notes. However, any other use of these devices and the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited. Place your phone on mute before you come to class. Violating this policy will negatively impact your participation grade.
It is extremely important to learn to express your ideas in verbal terms. All of you have reasons for making art, but these need to be clarified and you need to think about how your work fits into the historical and contemporary arena. As artists, you will constantly be faced with trying to communicate both visually and verbally with other people. Although it is often difficult to share ideas with a group of people, it is really important, and will only add to your images. Informal and formal critiques will occur throughout the semester. Group critiques will be scheduled to discuss works in progress as well as finished pieces. It is required that all students be present and participate in these group critiques. As the instructor of this course, I will never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. All students should have the appropriate work to present and to have put in an appropriate amount of commitment into the work being critiqued. The purpose of these critiques is to openly exchange thoughts and ideas, technical issues and discoveries to further benefit the student. We can all learn from the trials and errors as well as the successes of one another.
It may also be noted that you can always do additional works beyond those that are required. These works must be worked on in class at least some of the time. I will not grade any works that just “show up”, that I have not seen worked on during class sessions. Additional works can only help your final grade. However, these additional works are not a substitute for assigned works, and will only be considered if all assigned works have been completed and handed in on time with a passing grade of “C” or higher. Additional prints, based on their complexity may not count as a full project.
No images of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Mickey Mouse or any other registered trademarked character may be done, unless used in a significant conceptual manner and with the consent of the instructor. Furthermore, this is NOT a class in making cards, posters or T-shirts for bands, weddings and the like.
FINE ARTS BUILDING GUIDELINES / (see: Printana Remote site for more specifics on access & swipe card)
• Fine Arts Building Hours are for currently enrolled students only; art studio use requires being
currently registered in a specific studio course as course fees facilitate specific supplies. If not
currently enrolled, students will be asked to leave.
• Hours: 7 A.M. – 11 P.M., Monday – Sunday
• Please do not work alone after hours – you are encouraged to work with a friend or classmate.
• No creatures or children allowed in studios during class time nor open studio times – they will be asked to leave.
• Pick up all artwork by the scheduled exam day or the last class period or artwork will be discarded.
Print Studio Hours & Building hours updates:
The Fine Arts Building is a shared space. You need to use it with consideration for others, the materials, and the equipment. It is your responsibility to clean up after yourself and our class. Failure to do so may negatively affect your grade. After working in the studio or presenting an artwork, make accommodations for removing the artwork and leave the space clean and in good condition.
This course encourages exploration and experimentation but it is absolutely necessary that you be trained before using equipment and follow all safety precautions. The print shop contains hazardous materials and equipment. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be read prior to using hazardous materials. All safe-handling procedures for both materials and equipment must be strictly followed. There is no eating in the print shop and drinks must be covered containers. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE, i.e. gloves and goggles) must be used at all times in accordance with the safety demonstrations. It is your responsibility to come to class prepared to work and with the proper materials. You are not to leave class to purchase materials and likewise plan ahead to purchase your materials. If you are needing to purchase materials from the print studio, this must be done during regular class time. If you are planning to work outside of class or over a weekend you will need to plan ahead. Failure to return equipment checked out to you (ex squeegee, registration pins, relief tools) will result in 100 points being deducted from your final grade.
Studio clean up is a required part of our course for all students. You are required to arrive on time and stay for the duration of the cleaning. An automatic 50 points will be deducted off your total points for missing this clean up. All student works, materials need to be cleared out of all lockers, flat files and studio spaces no later than Noon, the Monday after finals week. Items left after this point will be tossed.
Students with disabilities may request reasonable modifications by contacting me. The University of Montana assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between students with disabilities, instructors, and the Office for Disability Equity (ODE). If you anticipate or experience barriers based on disability, please contact the ODE at: (406) 243-2243, [email protected], or visit for more information. Retroactive accommodation requests will not be honored, so please, do not delay. As your instructor, I will work with you and the ODE to implement an effective accommodation, and you are welcome to contact me privately if you wish. “Reasonable” means the University permits no fundamental alterations of academic standards or retroactive modifications. Students must be officially registered with UM Disability Services and notify me at the beginning of the semester if you are seeking some type of accommodation.
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be read prior to using hazardous materials.
The School of Art is not responsible for lost or stolen materials or artworks. Unlocked drawers in the print shop, are used at the sole discretion of the student, and no guarantee of safety of materials is made by the print faculty or the School, metal lockers used by the student can be locked with lock provided by student.
PRINTING STATIONS/PRESSES SIGN UP RULES / (sign up sheets will be used occasionally to manage press access as needed).
Use of printing presses will be limited to one person per press at a time, and you will be required to sign up for press time.
Sign-up sheets are located near the print shop doors. You will be required to sign up for a specific press at a specific time. If at the end of your time slot, no one is signed up you are welcome to continue printing. If you did not sign up for a press and someone else did, you will have to move when they show up for their time. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your sign-up time, you forfeit your time slot.
The University of Montana values leadership, engagement, diversity, and sustainability, because our institution is committed to respect, welcome, encourage, and celebrate the differences among us. As members of the University of Montana community, we aspire to:
Es mistéʔes qe es lʔ, ci łu l ,T,atʔ̓ ayaqn u Qlispélixʷ sqlixʷúʔulexʷs t Nłʔaycčstm Kʷtis Snacx̓ ̣łqe̓ ym̓ ín. Qe es putʔem łu Sqélixʷ m̓ im̓ éʔeye̓ ms x̣ʷl ,olqʷštulexʷ łu x̣ʷl ,qł sqlqelixʷ.
(The University of Montana acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel people. We honor the path they have always shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come.)
CONTACT: [email protected]
OFFICE HOURS: 12:00-1:00 pm on Mondays or by appointment. FA 402 (enter through the print studio).
MOODLE: A Link to Printana Remote will be provided to you on Canvas. Put this link on your home screen. All class info will be on that site.
2D TECH: Jason Clark / Cell (406) 207-7482 (M-F 9:00-Noon ONLY) E: [email protected]
STUDENT TECHS: Kendall Quindry, Aydrien Harden & Chenoa Reid
Introduction to various print processes focused on the individual development of your artistic work. Conceptual, technical, and aesthetic concerns will be emphasized. Students will create and analyze prints through hands-on studio work and projects, group critiques, writing artist statements, and examining prints from a variety of cultural, conceptual, and historical standpoints. As the semester progresses, students will gain an awareness of the creative and expressive possibilities of relief and be expected to develop an increasingly complex body of work through their personal vocabulary with the media.
• Create works that are well-crafted and conceptually rigorous, that are experimental and imaginative
• Translate ideas into compelling prints using a wide range of materials, methods, and processes
• Develop the vocabulary and tools to discuss and think critically about print media
• Analyze the work of your peers and other artists through class discussions and critiques
• Gain perspective of the contemporary practices and trajectory of printmaking and print artists today
- Creative Thinking / Knowledge and competence in creative problem-solving as it relates to meaningful visual, audio and narrative communication.
- Critical Thinking / Knowledge and competence in the ability to analyze creative content from the past and present, and articulate the cultural and social impacts.
- Advanced Writing Skills / Synthesize material from multiple sources and disciplines, and organize into discursive and/or narrative formats.
- Technical Skills / Knowledge and competence in technical skills and basic processes in a variety of media, appropriate for chosen field of study.
- Creative Literacy/Language/Informed Aesthetic / Demonstrate knowledge of audio, visual and/or narrative language in both creation and analysis of creative work, which include stylistic, comparative, historical and formal analysis.
- Professional Application / Demonstrate the ability to apply artistic and technical skill sets in a professional environment. Demonstrate skills necessary to organize, manage and promote a professional identity.
- Research and Methodology Skills / Make connections and comparisons among creative works within their cultural and historical contexts. Engage in original research and employ current theoretical approaches. Demonstrate research skills by utilizing printed and electronic resources found in libraries, museums, and galleries.
This is a hands-on studio course. Class time will be used for demonstrations, looking at prints, individual work time on printmaking projects, individual mentoring and consultations, critiques of work, and discussions of readings. In addition to regularly scheduled meeting times, expect five hours of work outside of scheduled class per week for completion of projects and assignments.
If you need to contact me email me at [email protected]. I will only be contacting you through your official university email.
Attendance at all classes is mandatory and will be taken daily, to also help with contact tracing. Attendance is worth 140 points total (5 points per day) After three absences, you will lose 5 points per absence. Come to class ready to work, students are not to leave class to purchase supplies. Demonstrations missed will not be repeated for the absent student. If you are absent from class, it is YOUR responsibility to get any missed information from another student, and you will be required to meet any deadlines set. Showing up late or leaving early from class will also affect your grade in a negative manner.
Grades will be determined through artist presentations, attendance, art event attendance/write-ups, participation in critiques and readings, print projects and the work turned in for your final portfolio. It is always appropriate to approach me with questions or concerns about your grade or progress in class. We will have one-on-one meetings at mid-term, however it is your responsibility beyond that to pursue clarity about your grade. The following factors will be considered in the grading process:
- Adherence to project guidelines (completed on time, addressed projects learning objectives, correct edition size/use of color/number of techniques)
- Professional Print quality and standards
- Skill acquisition and application, note taking
- Artistic scholarship, conceptual depth, and attention to craft and process
- Use of class time and personal initiative
- Participation in critiques: ability to give and accept constructive criticism; ability to discuss visual concepts
- Personal growth/improvement of both technical skills and idea development
- Shop etiquette and cleanliness, participation in shop monitor duties
You will need to purchase materials throughout the semester. Buying materials through the print studio is purely optional and is intended for your convenience & cost saving. Items sold through the print studio include shipping & account fee's. These items may be purchased during class, so you will need to plan ahead! Not being able to get ahold of me to purchase supplies is NOT a reason to not have work done on time.
The course grade awarded at the end of the term will reflect the student’s overall attendance and performance both in and out of class. It is your responsibility to consult with the instructor throughout the term to ensure that your progress is satisfactory. It is the student's responsibility to complete the course work within the semester the class is offered. Not finishing the required work within the allotted time frame does not entitle a student to an incomplete. Incompletes will only be given in cases of extreme emergency.
A = Excellence in all assignments, highly motivated, extremely innovative solutions to projects, work handed in on time.
B = Above average in all work, demonstrated technical growth and visual maturity
C = Completion of all projects, satisfactory class participation
D = Below average quality in work and/or Incompletes on some projects, inadequate class participation
F = Poor quality of work and/or Incompletes on many projects, poor class participation, several absences.
Incompletes / UM Policy /. (LINK)
It is assumed that students have the responsibility for completing the requirements of the courses in which they are enrolled within the time framework of the semester. A mark of incomplete may be assigned when: They have been in attendance and doing passing work up to three weeks before the end of the semester, and For reasons beyond their control and which are acceptable to the instructor, they have been unable to complete the requirements of the course on time. Negligence and indifference are not acceptable reasons.
Use of mobile devices for specific course objectives only. Human connection is the heart of a modern liberal arts education. We can’t learn without you. Arrive prepared and ready to think out loud and share confusions. Class meetings involve discussions in a variety of formats, some experimental and perhaps unfamiliar. These varied structures enable different forms of thinking and analysis; they also accommodate diverse personalities and learning styles. In all settings, collaborate thoughtfully and respectfully with your peers. When you disagree with or don’t understand something you hear, ask questions. Your peers’ questions are as important as mine, so listen carefully. The use of laptops, phones, or e-tablets in class is not permitted, except when they are integral to projects or to specific assignments. You may use laptops or tablets in this class to consult online readings or to take notes. However, any other use of these devices and the use of cell phones is strictly prohibited. Place your phone on mute before you come to class. Violating this policy will negatively impact your participation grade.
It is extremely important to learn to express your ideas in verbal terms. All of you have reasons for making art, but these need to be clarified and you need to think about how your work fits into the historical and contemporary arena. As artists, you will constantly be faced with trying to communicate both visually and verbally with other people. Although it is often difficult to share ideas with a group of people, it is really important, and will only add to your images. Informal and formal critiques will occur throughout the semester. Group critiques will be scheduled to discuss works in progress as well as finished pieces. It is required that all students be present and participate in these group critiques. As the instructor of this course, I will never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you. Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. All students should have the appropriate work to present and to have put in an appropriate amount of commitment into the work being critiqued. The purpose of these critiques is to openly exchange thoughts and ideas, technical issues and discoveries to further benefit the student. We can all learn from the trials and errors as well as the successes of one another.
It may also be noted that you can always do additional works beyond those that are required. These works must be worked on in class at least some of the time. I will not grade any works that just “show up”, that I have not seen worked on during class sessions. Additional works can only help your final grade. However, these additional works are not a substitute for assigned works, and will only be considered if all assigned works have been completed and handed in on time with a passing grade of “C” or higher. Additional prints, based on their complexity may not count as a full project.
No images of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Mickey Mouse or any other registered trademarked character may be done, unless used in a significant conceptual manner and with the consent of the instructor. Furthermore, this is NOT a class in making cards, posters or T-shirts for bands, weddings and the like.
FINE ARTS BUILDING GUIDELINES / (see: Printana Remote site for more specifics on access & swipe card)
• Fine Arts Building Hours are for currently enrolled students only; art studio use requires being
currently registered in a specific studio course as course fees facilitate specific supplies. If not
currently enrolled, students will be asked to leave.
• Hours: 7 A.M. – 11 P.M., Monday – Sunday
• Please do not work alone after hours – you are encouraged to work with a friend or classmate.
• No creatures or children allowed in studios during class time nor open studio times – they will be asked to leave.
• Pick up all artwork by the scheduled exam day or the last class period or artwork will be discarded.
Print Studio Hours & Building hours updates:
The Fine Arts Building is a shared space. You need to use it with consideration for others, the materials, and the equipment. It is your responsibility to clean up after yourself and our class. Failure to do so may negatively affect your grade. After working in the studio or presenting an artwork, make accommodations for removing the artwork and leave the space clean and in good condition.
This course encourages exploration and experimentation but it is absolutely necessary that you be trained before using equipment and follow all safety precautions. The print shop contains hazardous materials and equipment. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be read prior to using hazardous materials. All safe-handling procedures for both materials and equipment must be strictly followed. There is no eating in the print shop and drinks must be covered containers. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE, i.e. gloves and goggles) must be used at all times in accordance with the safety demonstrations. It is your responsibility to come to class prepared to work and with the proper materials. You are not to leave class to purchase materials and likewise plan ahead to purchase your materials. If you are needing to purchase materials from the print studio, this must be done during regular class time. If you are planning to work outside of class or over a weekend you will need to plan ahead. Failure to return equipment checked out to you (ex squeegee, registration pins, relief tools) will result in 100 points being deducted from your final grade.
Studio clean up is a required part of our course for all students. You are required to arrive on time and stay for the duration of the cleaning. An automatic 50 points will be deducted off your total points for missing this clean up. All student works, materials need to be cleared out of all lockers, flat files and studio spaces no later than Noon, the Monday after finals week. Items left after this point will be tossed.
Students with disabilities may request reasonable modifications by contacting me. The University of Montana assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between students with disabilities, instructors, and the Office for Disability Equity (ODE). If you anticipate or experience barriers based on disability, please contact the ODE at: (406) 243-2243, [email protected], or visit for more information. Retroactive accommodation requests will not be honored, so please, do not delay. As your instructor, I will work with you and the ODE to implement an effective accommodation, and you are welcome to contact me privately if you wish. “Reasonable” means the University permits no fundamental alterations of academic standards or retroactive modifications. Students must be officially registered with UM Disability Services and notify me at the beginning of the semester if you are seeking some type of accommodation.
All students must practice academic honesty. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the course instructor and/or disciplinary sanction by the University. All students need to be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. The Code is available for review online at Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be read prior to using hazardous materials.
The School of Art is not responsible for lost or stolen materials or artworks. Unlocked drawers in the print shop, are used at the sole discretion of the student, and no guarantee of safety of materials is made by the print faculty or the School, metal lockers used by the student can be locked with lock provided by student.
PRINTING STATIONS/PRESSES SIGN UP RULES / (sign up sheets will be used occasionally to manage press access as needed).
Use of printing presses will be limited to one person per press at a time, and you will be required to sign up for press time.
Sign-up sheets are located near the print shop doors. You will be required to sign up for a specific press at a specific time. If at the end of your time slot, no one is signed up you are welcome to continue printing. If you did not sign up for a press and someone else did, you will have to move when they show up for their time. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your sign-up time, you forfeit your time slot.
The University of Montana values leadership, engagement, diversity, and sustainability, because our institution is committed to respect, welcome, encourage, and celebrate the differences among us. As members of the University of Montana community, we aspire to:
- Respect the dignity and rights of all persons.
- Practice honesty, trustworthiness, and academic integrity.
- Promote justice, learning, individual success, and service.
- Act as good stewards of institutional resources.
- Respect the natural environment.
Es mistéʔes qe es lʔ, ci łu l ,T,atʔ̓ ayaqn u Qlispélixʷ sqlixʷúʔulexʷs t Nłʔaycčstm Kʷtis Snacx̓ ̣łqe̓ ym̓ ín. Qe es putʔem łu Sqélixʷ m̓ im̓ éʔeye̓ ms x̣ʷl ,olqʷštulexʷ łu x̣ʷl ,qł sqlqelixʷ.
(The University of Montana acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel people. We honor the path they have always shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come.)