CMYK / Posterizations / Reduction / Key (Choose 1 of these 4 options)
Project parameters:
- Open theme
- You can use any of the techniques you've learned so far this semester.
- Image size: Minimum of 8"x10" with minimum 1" clean borders.
- Minimum of 5 Layers (If doing CMYK this means your adding an additional layer).
- Edition of 5 high quality prints on good quality print paper.
Pin Registration
Pin Registration
Grading Criteria
The main print projects are worth 100 points, (unless otherwise stated) broken down in the following manner:
The main print projects are worth 100 points, (unless otherwise stated) broken down in the following manner:
- Met parameters of project, correct size, edition, process, runs- 10 points
- Print Quality: Well printed, consistent, even and clean borders, signed correctly-10 points
- Met all preliminary and final deadlines-5 points
- Typed concept statement properly labeled with name/project. If emailed: received prior to critique and properly labeled pdf- 5 points
- Image & Concept- 70 points